Ellen Discovers Incredible Wheelchair Dance Video, Then Paralyzed Dancer Reveals Inspiring Journey To Acceptance.

One evening, just a few months after taking first place at a dancing competition, Chelsie Hill got into a car with a friend who had been drinking. They hit a tree head on, and her spine snapped in half. The accident left her a T-10 Paraplegic at the age of seventeen.

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51 days after leaving the hospital, Chelsie started dancing again… her mission? To show the world that dance is dance whether you’re walking or rolling in a wheelchair.

Now, at the tender age of 24, Chelsie has gained worldwide recognition for starting a wheelchair dance crew aimed at bringing joy back into the lives of paralyzed men and women everywhere. She not only redeemed herself, but fought for the freedom of the man that left her paralyzed by testifying at his court appeal. Chelsie really is an incredible woman.


Ellen Degeneres caught wind of Chelsie’s story and brought her on the show to see her dance routine in person. Check out the moment, and Chelsie’s story, in the video below.

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