Rugged Cowboys Herding Cats Across The Prairie Is The Best Ad You’ve Never Seen.

cat herders

Super Bowl LII has come and gone, and while many are still celebrating the Eagles’ historic win, the ridiculous commercials will probably be talked about for years to come. There were some hilarious ones this year, but arguably, none are as hysterical as the famous “herding cats” commercial.

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Debuting during Super Bowl XXXIV nearly 20 years ago – January 30, 2000, to be exact – but it’s still talked about all these years later. With its incredible imagery and brilliantly deadpan delivery, is it any surprise?


The award-winning commercial was created for Electronic Data Systems (EDS) and satirizes sweeping, epic scenes from a Western movie. The analogy? No problem is too tough to tackle, not even herding cats.

Brilliantly conceived, the ad features dozens of cowboys herding hundreds of cats across wide open prairies (although some of them have to be plucked down from trees).


The cat herders guide them across rivers – where some swim, and others? Well, they have to be carried… because, well, water.


“You see the movies, ya’ hear the stories, it’s… I’m living the dream,”ponders one cat herder as he lint rolls the fur from his rough-rider outfit.


But the line that always gets the most laughs? “Anybody can herd cattle,”notes one rugged cowboy, sitting stoically on his trusty steed. “Holding together 10,000 half-wild, shorthairs? Well, that’s another thing altogether.â€

Click on the video below to see the best commercial ever. And remember to share to spread some smiles!

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