ER Nurse Comes In On Her Days Off To Brush And Braid Her Patients’ Hair.

nurse braiding patient's hair

Nurses are known for going above and beyond the call of duty, and this Las Vegas hero is proving why that’s the case.

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As an ER nurse, Brooke Johns has helped patients at all levels of care, some of whom are so weak that they can’t even brush their own hair. Just five months ago, one of these patients became Brooke’s dear friend.

During one of their visits, Brooke discovered just how much her friend couldn’t take care of herself in ways that most of us take for granted.

“Her hair was very snarled, she was too weak to brush it out herself, and it was something she was very worried about. So, one of the times I was up there I was able to brush out her hair and braid it and just talk with her,” Brooke said. “She was a different person when I left that room.”

This special moment inspired Brooke to turn her small act of kindness into something much bigger. She began coming in on her off days and offering to brush and braid the hair of patients who are too sick and tired to do it themselves.

What Brooke is doing is about so much more than looks. Having clean, brushed hair during a time of sickness can greatly improve how a patient feels both physically and mentally. Not to mention, the human connection created in these priceless moments is all too needed, especially during the pandemic.

“There’s something therapeutic about the human touch, as well,” Brooke said. “Human talking, human touching, it’s that connection that we’re all hard-wired for.”

One patient, Sierra Stein, was especially excited about Brooke’s service. The two of them first met in the emergency room, where Brooke recommended Sierra seek additional care.

“It’s because of her that I was admitted to the hospital getting the care and treatment I need,” Sierra said.

Now, Brooke is helping her during a time of isolation due to the pandemic.

“COVID is going around and there’s a lot of isolation. You can’t have visitors or someone to come in with you or hold your hand,” Sierra said, “and to have someone just to be able to braid your hair makes you feel like you’re at home again.”

As generous as Brooke has been so far, she plans to do even more. Once visitation restrictions are lifted, she’s going to dress up as Elsa from Disney’s “Frozen” and surprise kids at Sunrise Children’s Hospital.

Until then, her acts of love are being noticed by patients and fellow staff. In fact, many other nurses have started offering the same compassionate service as Brooke!

“Nurses, in general, get into this to help other people,” Brooke said.

We couldn’t be more grateful for all the health care heroes who are risking their lives and going out of their way to help others.

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