Sculptor Asks 3 Blind People To Describe Their Loved Ones, The Resulting Art Is Remarkable.

It’s so easy to forget amidst our busy lives and constant connection to the internet, that the world around and above us is a beautiful sight. From the green mountain landscapes, to the wide open oceans and golden deserts in between, the colors and views of our surroundings get so easily taken for granted.

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For anyone who has been born blind or had their sight lost at some point in their lives, these are vivid memories and dreams that they hold tightly to. Because their sense of touch and hearing has to make up for their vision, these two senses usually end up being very strong. They may have never seen what a loved one looked like with their own eyes, but that does not stop them from being able to describe that person with accurate details.


In a video below, Jeff, Marty, and Camille, all have very different stories of when & how they lost their sight but all three sit with a sculptor named Pam.

She requested that they use their sense of touch to examine the faces of the person they chose to be sculpted: Jeff’s wife Libby, Marty’s son Nathan, and Camille’s employee Alana.


Pam begins sculpting the facial features of Libby, Nathan, and Camille and it is incredible to hear Jeff, Marty, and Camille tell Pam with perfect verbal illustrations how their people look. From their eyebrows, to their hair type and size of their eyes, no detail is spared.

After Pam has finished her sculptures she invites Libby, Nathan, and Camille into the room to view how Jeff, Marty, and Camille see them through their lack of sight.

The resulting artwork is so impressively spot on that you wouldn’t believe the faces were described by someone who is blind.


During the video Jeff, Marty, and Camille are asked if there is anything they are glad that they don’t have to see. The question sets up a very eye opening response from Camille.

In the video she responds by saying, “Oh I think the pain in people’s faces. I feel it though.”


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