Husband Shares Powerful Marriage Hack We All Need: A Smile.

Sometimes we take out our bad mood on the people we love the most.

You come home stressed out from work, annoyed by a coworker, or maybe just not feeling great, and next thing you know you’re lashing out at your spouse for no good reason. It’s easy to do because we feel safe expressing ourselves with our loved ones, but it’s hardly fair to them.


Benjamin Holmgren of North Carolina recently addressed this issue with a Facebook post that has now gone viral. Benjamin may look young but he’s already been married for almost 7 years and has four children with his wife Leiah. So he definitely knows a little something about married life!

Benjamin makes a point of being optimistic and positive in his everyday life. He often shares insights on how to live your best life, and this recent entry really struck a chord with many people who’ve experienced those end-of-day doldrums when they get home. Here’s what he had to say.

“Years ago I learned something from Brené Brown that I still use every single day,” he began.


When you get home to your spouse/kids/dog etc. Before you open the door, put a smile on your face! It doesn’t matter how your day went. Or what you’re doing next. Or if you’re starving. For 30 seconds, at least pretend that you’re elated to see them. Make them feel like you were looking forward to getting back home. After all, they’re you favorite people in the whole world. I hope.


Now, I know what you’re thinking: ‘That seems like a cheesy, tiny thing, man. Hardly an earth-shattering revelation.” But your attitude sets the tone for the rest of the evening within 15 seconds of walking in the door. So really, it’s not tiny at all. It’s a huge deal.

Because you come home every day. And the things you do every day grind on you. Jordan Peterson says if you can fix 25 little things like coming home, you will have an extraordinary life. Taking your family to Disneyland is insignificant. Your kid’s expensive birthday party will be forgotten within weeks.

Coming home? That’s your whole life. Fix it. Start today.


It’s so simple, yet so wise. The people we love the most deserve a smile and a hug when we see them no matter what else went on that day! Let’s all resolve to follow this young man’s lead and let our families know just how much we’ve missed them that day.

Please share this bit of wisdom with others.

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