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Beached Dolphins Find Freedom As Community Rallies To Save Their Lives.

Linda Groocock Stands in the Muddy Water with Her Hands on Her Hips. A Beached Dolphin Lies Directly in Front of Her.

Not every superhero wears a cape. In fact, some might find themselves sporting mud-drenched sneakers. This was the case in a recent dolphin rescue out of Digby, Nova Scotia in Canada.

Linda Groocock was parked in her car, watching dolphins swim in the ocean, when disaster struck. What she saw through her binoculars immediately raised alarm bells. In the distance, a group of dolphins greatly needed help – and fast.

“The tide’s going out, and more and more are starting to beach because … those Bay of Fundy tides are quite something.” reported Linda.

She quickly sought help and awaited support from Digby’s volunteer fire department and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. In the meantime, Linda posted on social media to recruit additional volunteers from Digby Regional High School. Three teenage boys were the first to arrive on scene.

“It was like angels walking across the mud to help,” Linda said. “It was wonderful. And then just more and more people arrived after that. It was an experience of a lifetime.”

With direction from fisheries staff, about 40 volunteers were able to dig-in and get to work on packing mud around the dolphins and using soaked towels to keep their blowholes clean. Smaller dolphins were placed on tarps and sleds and then released into deeper waters. But even the taste of freedom couldn’t tear this community apart!

When the tide began to advance, dolphins could be heard chirping encouragement to each other. Every dolphin stayed put until the rescue mission was complete. Once all 16 pod members were set free, they soon reclaimed their ocean home as one singular unit.

“It’s just so, so beautiful,” said Linda. “If that doesn’t show a sense of family in our dolphins, I don’t know what does.”

As for the human contingent, operation dolphin seemed to bring out the best in people. The incident occurred on an exceptionally warm November day, and according to Linda, nobody was afraid to get wet or dirty. Volunteers were united in their efforts to save the dolphins and reportedly communicated back and forth to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone involved.

“Seeing how everybody came together yesterday, it was truly amazing for these beautiful creatures who … if it wasn’t for everybody, it may not have ended so well for them.” Linda remarked.

It turns out that dolphins and humans are a lot alike. Whether you call it a “pod” or a “family,” all living creatures seem drawn towards something larger than just themselves. This natural tendency to seek companionship and a sense of belonging may be a by-product of evolution, but it is still very much alive today.

Thanks to an everyday hero named Linda Groocock, a Nova Scotia community banded together to save another community of tight-knit mammals – no cape required. Personally, we couldn’t be more inspired!

Don’t forget to share this feel-good story with animal lovers everywhere.

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