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Baseball Captain Takes Student With Downs To Prom And Makes It A Night To Remember.

There are no shortage of stories about people doing kind things for those with disabilities. Still, it’s important to remember that those people are doing these kind things with only the intention of bringing a smile to someone else’s face.

Recently, a Reddit user posted a sweet story about her sister with Down Syndrome who was able to enjoy a perfect prom night thanks to a kind fellow-student with a heart of gold.


According to the original poster, her sister was asked to prom by the school’s basketball captain. The young man wanted to be sure that his date had the best night ever and was sure to make reservations at her favorite restaurant to give her the “full prom experience”.


The next day, the original poster took to Reddit again to share her mom’s Facebook status about her daughter’s wonderful prom experience.


People were so moved not only by the young man’s sweet gesture, but also by the love this family shares for one another.


Through it all, the original poster gives all the credit to her sister with Down Syndrome, saying that she has shown her what true strength is.


This is truly a story about love, inclusion, and kind-hearted people who simply want to do what is right for the sake of someone’s happiness, not to imitate a teenage rom-com.

Be sure to spread the love of this story by sharing it with your friends!

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