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Impatient Baby Kangaroo Has Cutest Way Of Begging For Her Bottle Of Milk.

baby kangaroo

Anyone who’s had a toddler knows how it feels to be actively making them a meal as they ask, over and over, if it’s ready. It’s like a ticking time bomb because if you take too long, there may be a temper tantrum waiting for you.

For the workers at The Kangaroo Sanctuary in Alice Springs, they also know the pressure of getting a meal ready – quickly – for an impatient baby. However, the begging they get is a whole lot cuter than the typical toddler begging.

sasha baby kangaroo

Meet Sasha. When she’s not snuggling or playing with her other roo friends, she’s begging for food. After all, she’s a growing girl!


In the video below, we see Sasha waiting at a caretaker’s feet as he prepares a bottle of milk for her. Every parent can relate to the caption of the video: “Our darling Sasha always thinks we take waaaay too long to make her beloved milk!”

As the caretaker walks around the kitchen, Sasha grabs on to his leg and hops around following him – begging for her food.


Like every other toddler, Sasha hops along with each move her caretaker makes – as if he has no idea she’s ready to eat.


Since Sasha’s adorable antics were posted, she’s racked up more than 24 million views!

People everywhere are in love with the cute kangaroo (can you blame them?!). Viewers have a lot of feelings about the little joey, calling her “precious” and a “package of happiness, sweetness, and cuteness.”


Sasha and the other kangaroos at The Kangaroo Sanctuary in Alice Springs live a happy life on 188 acres of land. The organization rescues orphaned and adult kangaroos and provides a loving, safe home for them. A happy home for Sasha seems to be a fair trade-off for having to wait a teensy bit longer than she’d like for a bottle of milk.

Check out Sasha’s hilarious begging in the video below and be sure to share it with your friends (and maybe show it to your toddler to demonstrate how to beg in a cute way without a tantrum).

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