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German Shepherd Won’t Stop Until She Becomes Best Friends With Tiny Rescue Kitten.

If there’s an award for the “goodest girl around,” Anya the German shepherd definitely has our vote!

Anya has always been Lori Knoble’s little helper around the house, but when their family took in a new stray cat, the gentle giant embraced the role of the feline’s official welcome committee!

Lori first discovered that Anya might be half-dog, half-housekeeper when she was unloading her dryer. After observing Lori for a bit, the pup began to figure out what she was doing and started to join in on the chore.

“She would always stick her head in the dryer when I was doing laundry, and then one day, she just started taking the laundry out and handing it to me,” Lori told The Dodo.

What started as a little laundry help turned into Anya assuming full cleanup mode around the house. She began completing tasks like placing the remote back on the table, putting trash in the garbage can, helping unload the dishwasher, and even bringing grocery bags in from the car!

“Anything I’m doing, she just wants to help out,” Lori said.

Then one day, Lori’s husband John told her about a tiny stray he’d seen roaming around at a car wash.

“One day at the car wash, my husband kept telling me, ‘There’s a kitten living in the dumpster.’ I couldn’t take it,” Lori said. “We caught her and brought her home.”

The Knobles immediately gave little Munchie a safe place, nursing her back to health in a crate in their basement, complete with a litter box and a tiny bed.

At first, Munchie was very timid and unsure of her new surroundings.

“She was a little bit shell-shocked and probably very leery of anything new,” Lori said.

But as unsure as Munchie was, there was someone else who was very sure of her and couldn’t wait to make her acquaintance!

“There’s a kitty door going into the basement, and Anya would just sit at that kitty door, looking through, just staring at her,” Lori added. “She could not wait to meet her.”

Finally, the day came when Anya was allowed to go near Munchie’s crate, and from that moment on, she never left her side!

Even though Munchie was free to roam around her crate, she remained a bit hesitant about her giant furry housemate. So Anya kept it cool, giving Munchie her space and waiting for the kitty to get a bit more comfortable.

Munchie continued testing the waters with a glance here and a graze of the tail there. She finally had a friendship breakthrough with Anya, and it was all thanks to a shoestring.

The cat had found a long shoestring that she immediately took a liking to, and Anya saw a perfect opportunity. The loyal pup began picking up the shoestring and tugging it around to play with Munchie, and the rest was history!

From that day on, Anya took on the role of mentor and bestie, doing whatever it took to make Munchie feel loved and at home.

“Anya kind of helped us break the ice with her,” Lori said. “She kind of is the one that helped Munchie make that adjustment from being downstairs in the basement to being with family.”

Anya became like Munchie’s shadow, constantly entertaining her with cat toys and keeping an eye on her at all times, and Munchie loved every second of it.

“I get so emotional when I think about it, but Anya is truly an angel,” Lori said. “It is just moving to see little Munchie with her.”

We couldn’t agree more! Luckily for us, we can keep up with Anya’s adorable adventures on Instagram.

Watch Anya and Munchie’s friendship unfold in the video below, and don’t forget to share this sweet story today.

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