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Couple Turns Front Yard Into “Doggie Utopia” By Giving Away Water And Treats.

If you’ve ever had a dog get so hungry or thirsty on a walk that they protest taking another step (and possibly make you carry them home), you know how important a good pit stop can be.

Andrew Leach and Mary Beth Ede of Tulsa, Oklahoma, have experienced this a few times with their own pups, which is what inspired them to set up a small “doggie utopia” in their front yard!

The kindhearted couple have two canines that they love beyond all measure. While they were all out walking one day, Mary Beth’s dog Bronson began to lose steam because he needed a drink.

Unfortunately, they didn’t have anything to give him, so they began talking about how nice it would be to have a water station along their route. That’s when Andrew realized he could make one!

And he didn’t stop with their own pups! Instead, he set up a small station in their front yard and filled it with water and dog treats. Then he opened it up to everyone in their neighborhood!

Not only is it a sweet gesture, but it’s also something Andrew loves doing.

“We are refilling the water every day, replacing the treats,” he explained. “We will come up with little slogans, ‘Tasty Treat Thursday’ and ‘You haven’t been to the dentist yet because of COVID but your dog can! Here, have a dental stick.'”

Mary Beth said the stand is a “labor of love” for him, and their community adores it! People are making the rest stop a regular part of their daily walks and have sent countless thank-you cards to the sweet couple.

Some of them have even donated money to help the pair get supplies! In one instance, Andrew used a donation to buy tennis balls for pups who wanted extra playtime.

“It is so gratifying doing something for the community because really Tulsa has great people in this community who give back, and this is the little thing that we can do to give back to the neighborhood that we love,” Andrew added.

While it may be a simple concept, Andrew and Mary Beth have brought plenty of joy to the pups – and people – around them. They’ve kept up their little utopia for nearly a year now, and they have no plans to stop anytime soon!

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