Anderson Cooper Rendered Speechless While Interviewing John Mayer.

Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen interviewing John Mayer.

On New Year’s Eve, Anderson Cooper was in New York, walking through the streets as celebrants engaged in rabblerousing. But he was there to do his job as a CNN correspondent, which meant interviewing John Mayer. John called in from the other side of the world for the interview. He was in a cat bar in Japan.

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Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper began the call by introducing their guest. John Mayer is a well-known guitarist and singer. He is currently in Japan performing. When he placed the call for the interview, he was sitting in a cat cafe in Tokyo. We’re not sure why, but this got Anderson Cooper giggling like a child. There was a brief discussion about health codes between John and Andy.

The Cat Box cat bar in Tokyo, Japan.
Image from YouTube.

During the conversation, there were several cats making themselves at home at the bar. We’re pretty sure at least some of the laughter was the result of seeing John sitting there calmly while one of the cats was clearly sticking his booty right in John’s face.

Cats roaming freely on the bar during John Mayer's interview with Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper.
Image from YouTube.

John explains that they’re already halfway through the first day (it was almost 1:30 in the afternoon in Japan). John introduced “Shin” and five other proprietors (the cats). Anderson is laughing uncontrollably, and Andy is attempting to conduct the interview. Both hosts were having trouble controlling their laughter while John was deadpanning the conversation.

Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper laughing.
Image from YouTube.

John’s calm demeanor as the cats roamed around the bar in front of him added to the hilarity. Anderson totally lost control and walked out of the camera view for a bit. The cameraman panned to him, and he was bent over laughing, leaning on something for support. When Andy started talking about the location of the cat’s posterior region, Anderson doubled over. We thought for a second he was going down to his knees, but he recovered (slightly). Standing up, wiping his eyes.

Then, John started feeding the cats some treats. Andy asks if it is catnip, so John takes the time to describe the paste he is squeezing out of a tube for the cats. Then he decided it was a good idea to try to guess the name of the cat. Andy and Anderson both guessed wrong, so John picked up the cat and said, “This cat’s name is Lindland.” While Andy continued trying to conduct the interview, Anderson just began laughing again.

John introducing the cat Lindland.
Image from YouTube.

When they asked for John’s prediction of the new year, he said, “Well, if it’s anything like my year so far, you’ll be surrounded by cats.” Andy was trying to take a drink of water. That did not end well. Meanwhile, Anderson is now clenching his midsection. The conversation continued. Anderson did manage a few words just before the five-minute mark. But then digressed back to giggles and silence. The two correspondents ended the video by talking directly to the cats in a cascade of “Meows.”

You’ll want to share with any cat lovers. Or people who need a laugh. I have been watching Anderson Cooper since the mid-1990s and have never seen him this tongue-tied. Anderson Cooper’s uncontrollable laughter while John Mayer was playing the straight man makes a wonderful combination.

NSFW. There is some minor language in this video and a few “adult” references that may be unsafe for work or listening while children are present. You don’t want to watch it at work anyway. Too many people will wonder why you are laughing maniacally.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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