Adorable Baby Climbs Stairs By Himself With Family Dog “Cheering” Him On.

A baby learned how to climb the stairs.

It’s always a proud moment when your kid learns something new — that is, as long as they don’t get themselves into trouble! Thankfully, this mom was there for moral support when her son made his first trip up the stairs. She was already filming him playing with the family dog when the baby suddenly started crawling toward the staircase. Still on all fours, the little guy began making his way up, step by step.

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Of course, Mom was right behind him the whole time, making sure he didn’t fall. However, the toddler did most of the work himself! At the top of the staircase, the dog was waiting to congratulate him with lots of kisses.

“Time for a baby gate,” said the mom.

Watch this baby climb his first staircase in the video below!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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