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Abused Girl Slips Vet Techs Secret Note & They Immediately Call 911.

If you’ve ever been in an abusive relationship, you know all too well how difficult it is to disentangle yourself from the situation and ask for help. Any number of factors come into play, not the least of which are shame and fear.

Unfortunately, that is exactly the situation one Florida woman managed to find herself in. She suffered facial and head injuries after a brutal beating from her live-in boyfriend, but wasn’t able to get the medical help she needed because he was holding her hostage in their home – at gunpoint.


Finally, she convinced him to let her bring their dog to the vet, although he insisted on accompanying her and threatened her and her entire family on the way.

gf slips note

Once inside, this brave woman slipped a note to one of the workers at the front counter:


Call the cops. My boyfriend is threatening me. He has a gun. Please don’t let him know.

And that’s all it took. Deputies arrived shortly afterward and arrested the man, and he was eventually charged with aggravated assault, possession of a firearm, and battery.

bf arrested

The incident was posted on the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page, prompting a flood of comments from women who had faced similar circumstances and praised the woman’s quick thinking and courage.

“Thank God she was smart enough and brave enough to trick him to going to the vet in order to get help,”one viewer wrote. “I’m proud of her because fear can paralyze us, but she did it! Amen!!!â€

Asking for help is hard, especially in a volatile situation where people’s lives are at stake. But no one should ever have to fear for their lives, especially when the threat comes from a romantic partner. Thank goodness this woman came up with a plan that allowed her to escape the house and get the help she needed.

Watch the video below to hear more about this story. Share to let everyone know that domestic violence is never acceptable, and if we see a dangerous situation, even if it involves strangers, we shouldn’t wait to be asked for help.

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