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24 “Beware Of Dog” Signs That Aren’t Fooling Anyone

beware of dog signs

There are plenty of good reasons for owners to place a “beware of dog” sign in their yards or on their fences.

Some dogs don’t do well around people they don’t know, while others might be trained to protect their property from strangers. Whatever the reason, this signage exists to warn people to keep their distance. It isn’t always easy to tell the difference between a friendly and aggressive canine – though we all know which category these sweethearts belong to.

Fear not, because the only thing you should beware of around these 24 pups is being licked to death.

1. Beware of snuggles.

beware cute dogs

2. “This gorgeous girl lives in my neighbor’s front yard with a huge ‘beware of dog’ sign. The only thing I have to beware of is spending hours petting her!”

beware cute dogs

3. “I don’t think our sign is fooling anyone.”

beware cute dogs

4. “I think I’ll take my chances.”

beware cute dogs

5. If this face doesn’t send chills down your spine, nothing will.

beware cute dogs

6. Beware? More like pick up and never put down!

beware cute dogs

7. Clearly, she’s the stuff of nightmares.

beware cute dogs

8. Watch out for this precious doofus and his terrifying minions.

beware cute dogs

9. That’s totally a fierce snarl and definitely not a happy grin.

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10. “He was a feisty one! Undid my shoelaces a few times.”

beware cute dogs

11. Get any closer and you’ll be smothered with love.

beware cute dogs

12. “My neighbor’s ‘guard dog.'”

beware cute dogs

13. “Beware the cheeky boy and his toys of menace!”

beware cute dogs

14. “Beware of this snuggle monster, she might love you to death.”

beware cute dogs

15. He may be tiny, but he’s mighty.

beware cute dogs

16. Again, don’t let the size fool you…

beware cute dogs

17. The resemblance here is uncanny, don’t you think?

beware cute dogs

18. “Mom put this sign on our gate, dad said it’s false advertising. Look at me, would I not put fear in the heart of anyone who tried to enter?”

beware cute dogs

19. Much scary. Very floof.

beware cute dogs

20. Under no circumstances should you allow your children anywhere near this fearsome beast!

beware cute dogs

21. …Because the cuteness is overpowering.

beware cute dogs

22. These cuties are just as confused as we are.

beware dog shepherds

23. Beware of dog – will demand belly rubs.

beware dog belly rub

24. Those eyes just scream ferocious…

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Yikes! We definitely wouldn’t want to mess with these cuties! All jokes aside, there clearly isn’t an aggressive bone in any of their bodies – just happiness, sweetness, and the desire to love.

Share this story with other owners of ferociously adorable “guard” dogs.

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