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18 Test Answers That Prove Kids Are Too Smart For Their Own Good

Although they don’t exactly have a wealth of experience under their belts, kids can be creepily smart sometimes. And if you need someone to really clock you and all your nonsense, kids are always more than willing to point out all of your flaws with eerie precision.

The funniest outcome of kids being way too smart for their own good is on tests. While some kids study, keep their heads down, and do their best on exams, there are those kiddos who opt for a more crafty approach.

Just ask these 18 kids who went into full sass mode on their exams and came up with answers you honestly can’t even be mad at. From the classic “Find X” scenario to some creative word scrambling, these hilarious test answers will have you roaring.

1. Defiance is this kid’s specialty.

funny answers

2. This is the kind of creativity we like to see.

kids test answers

3. Well, you said “write or.”

funny test answers

4. Ah yes, the thinker.

funny answers

5. This classic truly never gets old.

funny answers

6. Dang. That’s deep (and that teacher is a savage).

funny answers

7. I don’t think that’s what the directions were going for.

funny answers

8. They’re not wrong.

funny answers

9. We have a sassypants on our hands.

funny answers

10. A risk indeed!

funny answers

11. Same, if we’re being honest.

funny answers

12. Again, this is technically correct.

kids taking tests

13. This should cover everything!

kids test answers

14. We love a creative legend!

taking tests

15. A realist. You might as well start them young.

funniest kids

16. Wouldn’t it be great if they did all have McDonald’s, though?

kids taking tests

17. But WHY is the question.

funny test answers

18. What a poor, sad little plant!

funny test answers

And there you have it! Further proof that kids are way smarter and way funnier than we give them credit for.

Let us know which one was your favorite and be sure to share these with all the parents and teachers in your life!

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