15 Videos Of Kids And Pets That Prove They’re Even Cuter Together

boy on bike and dog on sled

Is there any combination cuter than children and animals? If so, we sure haven’t found it!

Videos by InspireMore

There’s just something about the innocence of kids and pets that makes their interactions warm our hearts. Perhaps its the purity of their intentions and the overall “newness” of it all that makes these moments so special. Regardless, we’re captivated by these videos, so we had to share them with the world!

1. Indie the golden retriever is so kind and gentle to this 4-year-old with special needs.

2. This little cutie has the perfect gymnastics partner!

3. Mom caught her little boy howling with their new puppy. Ah-woo!

4. When you’ve got a dog, you’ve always got a friend to play with!

5. Adorable baby gets puppy for his birthday, and our hearts literally melted.

6. This horse is so sweet and gentle when meeting an infant for the first time.

7. This precious little guy broke down in tears when someone handed him a puppy.


Why this make cry 😭

♬ Mama (feat. Sting) – GASHI

8. Doting kitty walks her human child to bus stop every single morning.

9. Chicken runs right into little boy’s arms to receive a big hug.

10. This thoughtful little girl is covering her dog’s ears because the fireworks are so loud.

11. Ever see a dog teach a human how to play fetch?

12. This baby and his dog are already the best of friends.

13. Everyone could use a little help from a friend, right?

14. It’s love at first sight for this dog and a boy with Down syndrome.

15. This chubby toddler has the best belly laugh, and no one makes him laugh louder than his dog!

Oh, our hearts! We want to hug and cuddle with each and every one of these kids and their furry friends. We’re pretty sure videos like these are why the internet even exists!

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