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15 Sleepy Animals Prove That, With Determination, You Can Catch Zs Anywhere

hamster sleeping face-down on wheel and cat sleeping inside plastic bubble.

There’s something about sleep that transforms cute animals into downright adorable animals.

Those toe beans. The soft purrs and snores. The bellies! There’s a lot to love about a snoozing critter, especially since they have to really trust us in order to let their guard down and leave themselves open to predators. So if an animal feels safe enough to catch some Zs in your presence, feel honored, even if they choose to sleep in the strangest places.

1. We never would have thought to crash on top of a bunch of broom bristles, but okay!

2. Have you ever been so tired of exercise you just had to nap right there, on the spot? This guy has!

3. They say “a man’s home is his castle.” Apparently, that idiom applies to cats, too.

4. You haven’t lived until you’ve woken up to find a fox passed out on your skylight.

5. When it comes to beds, he prefers his to be succulent.

6. No, that’s not a fancy fur stole… it’s just how his cat sleeps when he works from home.

7. We like to sleep with our feet sticking out of the blankets, too.

8. Who needs hedges when you can hog a whole bed?

9. We would rearrange our entire schedule just to avoid breaking up this cuddle-fest.

10. He’s perfecting “corpse pose” in his yoga practice, clearly.

11. How could that possibly be comfortable?

12. Kitten found the purr-fect place to sleep. We’ll allow it!

13. Call the boss and tell them you need a personal day. The squirrels nested on your window sill aren’t going to watch themselves all day!

14. He’s sleeping in the “ready” position. He may look tired, but he’s poised for action!

15. You might live way up north if…

Is it just us, or do you suddenly feel the need for a snooze? These cute animals look so cozy, we just want to join them!

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