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15 Mama Dogs Who Couldn’t Be Prouder Of Their Babies

Motherhood is often complicated, but things are a bit simpler for canine mamas.

One trait dog moms have in common with human ones is the unconditional love they have for their offspring the moment their babies are born. You can just see the adoration on their sweet, furry little faces!

1. This dog is downright “ecstatic” after giving birth to nine beautiful pups.

2. “My foster mama Ellie had her babies yesterday. Apparently she came with a whole lab sampler pack!”

3. Say hello to Rowena and her babies: Roz, Harvey, Pru, and Brina. All chips off the old block!

4. This first-time husky mama knew exactly what to do when she welcomed eight babies. Here she is snuggling one of them not long after birth.

5. The look on her face tells us she is very pleased with how her pups turned out. We would be, too!

6. “Look at what I made!”

7. “Not quite what we were expecting. Our foster dog and golden mix gave birth yesterday… to baby cows. She is one proud Mama.”

8. “Last week she gave birth to eight babies in a shelter. Last night she got her own room, with her own bed, and all the cuddles! She’s one proud mom!”

9. Not quite “101 Dalmatians,” but close!

10. Dog dads are proud of their babies, too!

11. It took first-time mama Ellie Mae six hours to give birth to her nine pups. Now it’s time for a nap with the whole family!

12. “Yes, I do make the prettiest puppies. Thank you for noticing.”

13. These babies are in their happy place.

14. “Ten potatoes. Mom’s heckin’ proud.”

15. “May I present to you the beautiful and rare Dogtopus.”

There’s nothing like a mother’s love! These mama dogs are so sweet and cuddly. We’re sure they are wonderful parents to their little ones!

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