15 Parents Who Can Pee In Peace Once Again Now That School Is Back In Session.

Tweet reads: "Working from home while your kids are home is like trying to read a book at a Metallica concert."

Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.”

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If you’re a parent of school-aged kids, you probably started tying that knot somewhere around the beginning of August. The rest of the summer is then spent clinging to it for dear life! Don’t get us wrong, we love our kids more than life itself, but months of quality time can start to wear thin.

The authors of the tweets below understand this feeling all too well.

1. The need for snacks is perpetual and unrelenting.

2. What is it about the closed door and irritated look on our faces that says, “Come on in and ask me the most random questions?”

3. She’s hired! She’s got “upper management” written all over her.

4. It’s true. And by the time you figure out you’re doing it wrong, it’s too late.

5. Thanks for the early morning ego boost, beloved child.

6. This is when we back slowly out of the room, like the “Homer backing into the hedge” meme.

7. It’s a double-edged sword, but we do miss them when they’re not there.

8. It took us many vacations and thousands of dollars to achieve this wisdom.

9. This is so accurate, we think she copied it straight off of our school’s welcome email.

10. Nothing ruins your day more than basic hygiene.

11. That’s… sweet? And totally not terrifying at all!

12. They do get more compassionate with age – most of them, anyway.

13. If we had a nickel for how many times this has happened….

14. Our kids now have more contacts than we do.

15. He sounds like a chip off the old block!

Hang in there, parents! School is back in session, and your kids will be occupied and enriched all day once again. Let’s all be grateful for the teachers who put up with our kids’ antics once they’re back in school!

Don’t forget to share this hilarious and relatable list.

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