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15 Iconic Photos Of Opossums And Their Adorable Down Under Counterparts

an opossum passionately playing on a small keyboard for children and two leggos sets placed in front of a window where an opossum is pressing itself against the glass with its head facing up

Although they’re often used interchangeably, opossums and possums aren’t the same animal… not exactly, anyway.

While opossums are larger and live in America and Southern Canada, possums have furry tails and live in Australia, New Zealand, and China. There are a few other differences, too, but there’s one important thing they do have in common: They’re so darn cute! In case you need proof, just keep scrolling!

1. “The possum that visits our deck every evening brought along somebody special last night! Meet Deckster and Backster!”

2. Starry and Daff love to share yummy snacks!

3. Mushroom looks as beautiful as ever in her lovely flower crown.

4. “Volunteering as a wildlife rescue rehabilitator is often hard and heartbreaking work. But having tiny babies fall asleep in your hands makes it all worth it.”

5. “I think that he likes the Legos.”

6. Lola is very passionate about food.

an opossum named lola sitting next to various pumpkins outside as she has her mouth wide open to where a slice of pumpkin is visible

7. “I kept telling her she couldn’t sleep in the dresser drawers, but then I decided… why not? So I made her a dresser bed. I think she’s pretty happy about it.”

8. Look at his little smile!

9. The western pygmy possum is adorably tiny, but they’re actually the largest pygmy possums in the world – they’re typically no larger than a kiwi!

10. He’s paving the way for all future opossum musicians.

11. “So a family of opossums walked out in front of me… “

12. “Baby (O)possum got into our house last night. This is how we found it this morning.”

13. “A racoon, an opossum, and a stray cat enjoying a peaceful meal.”

14. This rare golden possum that was found in Australia looks like a real-life Pikachu from Pokémon!

15. “An opossum got into my buddy’s house and he snapped a selfie with it while he was carrying it out.”

See what we mean? No matter if they’re opossums or possums, they’re all cuddly marsupials we love to appreciate! From a distance, anyway. Which furry friend was your favorite?

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