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15 Fearless Grandparents Rocking The Coolest Ink We’ve Ever Seen

an elderly man with a beard and no hair smiling as he shows his young grandson his tattoo behind his ear that looks just like his grandson's cochlea implant and a woman named tanya with no hair and a large tattoo on her head

Tattoos have become increasingly common over the years, but there are still some of us who haven’t been able to get past their permanence and the idea of them looking horrible once we’re older.

Luckily, if that is what’s holding you back, there are plenty of older folks who are living proof that you can rock a tattoo no matter if you’re 22 or 82! Some of them have had their ink since they were young, while others didn’t take the leap until recently, but in any case, they all look incredible – that’s exactly why we’ve gathered some of the coolest ones for you to appreciate below.

1. “Proof that age doesn’t matter. My grandmother inked all my tattoo ideas. Amazing woman.”

young woman posing for a photo with her grandma who has a new tattoo designed by the granddaughter on her arm

2. And the award for most stylish grandpa goes to…

3. “Coolest gentleman ever wanted his first tattoo on his receding hairline. Him and his wife were in their 60s but couldn’t have been more young at heart.”

4. Like father like son!

5. “My friend knows me well… ‘Assuming I’m just an old lady, is your first mistake.'”

6. “On her 90th birthday grandma Heather Brooks got her first tattoo. She chose a Cancer Research pink ribbon to signify her victory after a five year battle with cancer.”

7. Aww, he looks so proud of his new tattoo – as he should be!

8. This incredibly thoughtful grandpa got a cochlear implant tattoo so he could match his grandson!

9. “This is Grandma Eva. I’m looking forward to be like her.”

10. Better late than never!

“He was in the Navy Reserve as a young man and one night everyone was drinking and decided to get tattoos. He called home to ask my Granny if he could and she told him no. It’s a good thing she did because the next morning they all woke up with swollen, infected tattoos. Finally, 58 years later, he can cross this off his bucket list.”

11. They may be too young to understand right now but, soon enough, that baby is going to realize just how awesome their grandpa is.

12. “This woman (Lilo) survived a concentration camp. The holocaust. Cancer. The 70’s. And now working on her sleeve.”

13. Some grandma’s hang their grandchildren’s artwork on the fridge while others get them tattooed on their body!

14. He already has lots of colorful ink, but he’s still not done!

15. We couldn’t be more proud of her.

“This is Tanya. She is an ER nurse from SoCal. Last year she came to me to get her first tattoo ever…on her head. She told me that she had developed alopecia, lost all her hair and that she was finally ready and happy to reclaim a bit of her identity back and own her Alopecia.”

As intimidating as it can be to get a tattoo, these rad folks make it look easy! Okay, so maybe it’s still a bit scary, but they definitely make us hope that we’re at least half as cool as they are when we’re their age! Speaking of which, of all these tattoos, which one was your favorite?

Don’t forget to share this list with a friend.

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