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15 People Who Don’t Know Whose Cat This Is

Cats are independent creatures that come and go as they please. To them, nothing is off-limits – including strangers’ houses.

As it turns out, some felines love letting themselves into random people’s homes (and hearts). It’s such a common phenomenon that there’s even a Facebook group for people to share their “My House, Not My Cat” experiences!


Don’t be surprised if you join them in falling head over heels for these 15 cats who showed up uninvited.

1. “I opened my front door today, and a flea-covered cuddly sweetheart came RUNNING in!

“Update! SHE HAD A CHIP! Her family lost her almost two years ago! Mom was in TEARS. I’m so very selfishly sad, but I just made a whole family incredibly happy.”

stranger cat

2. “First photo: this was not my cat. He just entered my house and slept in my bed.

“Second photo: now he climbs me. Third photo: he’s definitively my c a t t o now.”

stranger cat

3. “This is my glass of water, this is my house, this is not my cat drinking my water in my house, this is my neighbor’s cat Ted!”

neighbor cat

4. “This gorgeous boy ‘lives’ three houses down.”

“He’s not allowed inside his house and is always outside roaming, day or night. So now ‘Carl’ enjoys the good life at ours.”

neighbor cat

5. “My mom sent me this. Neither of these cats belong to my parents.”

stranger cats

6. “This is Mr. Black. He is our neighbor’s cat who visits us every day. He is NOT ours but he thinks he is!!”

neighbor cat

7. “Gave this guy a piece of bacon on my way home from the bar last night. Followed me ten blocks home. This is how I woke up.”

stranger cat

8. “Crumpet sits on my decking each and every morning and stares through the door awaiting his daily tribute.”

stranger cat

9. “I went to my kitchen to get my washing out of the machine and feed my cats, but walked into five cats in my kitchen. I only have three!”

stranger cats

10. “My stroller, not my cat. This is Ralph. Ralph decided he wanted to hitch a ride around the neighborhood.”

stranger cat

11. “Came home yesterday to find that Santa left this black kitty on my balcony… who then proceeded to give birth to seven little beans.”

stranger cat

12. “I do have a cat, he’s the cat on the left. The cat on the right is not my cat.

“He would very much like to be my cat. I too would also like him to be my cat. My actual cat disagrees with all of this, and so do his owners.”

stranger cat

13. “My baby’s bassinet, not my cat.”

stranger cat

14. “This is Swirl who was my cat, the kitten is not.

“He loved kittens and would steal people’s kittens and bring them home. He’s no longer with us, so I miss those days of coming home to a random kitten in the house.”

stranger kitten

15. “My gf asked me why did I put a white cat in our laundry room, didn’t know what she was talking about, sent me the pic.

“Fell in love with cat, cat is now part of the family.”

stranger cat

We would have trouble turning these cuties away too! They may be furry intruders, but to their new friends, they’re always welcome!

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