15 Hilarious Memes That Are Scientifically Proven To Help You Through The Pandemic

covid memes featuring gift wrapped toilet paper and Jack Nicholson from The Shining

The science is in, and it turns out we’re not actually wasting our time when we scroll through endless pages of memes.

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A recent study published in the “Psychology of Popular Media” journal confirms what we’ve suspected all along: Looking at funny memes is actually good for you. In fact, people who viewed funny or cute pictures and pop culture references had more positive feelings overall as well as “higher levels of humor.” When it comes to getting through a pandemic, laughter really is the best medicine. We knew it!

1. Even though it was rough, remote learning provided more than its fair share of hilarious jokes, pranks, and yes, memes.

2. We made it through quarantines and lockdowns with (most of) our sanity. Isn’t that enough?

3. All work and no play makes us all dull!

4. We sure didn’t see this one coming!

5. What happens in the privacy of your own home is none of our concern.

6. From one crazy clown car to another.

7. Did we question every sniffle and body ache in 2020? Only when we were awake.

8. Understatement of the century!

9. Still waiting for the new Roaring ’20s to get started.

10. Between stress and boredom, there were a lot of empty calories consumed in the past few years.

11. Toilet paper: the gift that keeps on giving.

12. Definitely grounds for divorce.

13. To be honest, avoiding cooties has always been a priority in life. Pass the hand sanitizer!

14. I didn’t get a haircut for almost a year. Does that count?

15. Of all the years to be born!

Bonus: Haha, like we wore pants in 2020!

No matter how scary the news is, memes have been there to raise our spirits by poking fun at the very things we fear. It’s nice that we now have a study to verify what we’ve always known: Humor is good for you!

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