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10 Pictures That Will Remind You How Silly And Strange The World Is

pizza pizza and computers in the road

We live in a world full of odd things. It’s my personal theory that we don’t take enough time to appreciate these oddities. Let’s take a walk down Weird Lane with these 10 pictures that’ll make you think “How can this possibly be real?”

1. “The Neverending Story” never ended. It lives on in this garage.

2. This toilet rocks!

3. A hammer for when you don’t want to get the job done.

4. Oh, I’ll have pizza on my pizza, thank you!

5. I can’t make any sense of this one at all.

6. Optical hand-lusion.

7. Planes, trains, and automobiles. This is 2 out of 3!

8. Everyone better stay alert!

9. More out-of-the-box pizza inspiration.

10. Unexpected businessman!

I hope this served as a reminder to look for chuckles and unexpected oddities everywhere!

Especially at the pizza shop.

The featured images for this post come from here and here.

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