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8 Powerful Quotes That Share The Secret Of Wholehearted Living

What is the key to living a wholehearted life? Researcher and writer Brene Brown says it is uprooting shame.

Shame. It’s a a sneaky thief. It takes our confidence, and if we are not careful, it can steal our spark, leading to a life of blunted emotion. BUT,  once identified, shame has little power. Identifying sources of shame can be crucial to living a life of freedom. Fighting shame can restore joy, gratitude, and love.

Brene  Brown studies shame, vulnerability, authenticity, and courage. She has written books on the importance of being vulnerable. She claims that telling your story is the first step to accepting it. It is when you learn to accept your story, every part of it: the hard, the painful, the embarrassing moments, that you begin to come back to life. Killing shame allows you to flourish.

Here are 8 quotes from Brene Brown to encourage you to start fighting shame today.

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via RainbowDelicious

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