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Dog Rocks New Hairstyle Every Day In Quarantine And Each Is Funnier Than The Last.

hank hairdos

Nobody knows for sure when the coronavirus pandemic will end, but in the meantime, there’s something we can all look forward to every day.

Hannah Heil and her husband Adam are among the millions staying at home. While it hasn’t been easy, Hannah found her silver lining in her dog, Hank. She’s been putting all her extra time to hilarious use by giving the Newfoundland different hairstyles each day. The best part? She won’t stop until the quarantine ends! Here are 18 of Hank’s funniest looks, complete with cute props!

1. Day 1. Hank the punk rock star.

hank the newfie hairstyles

2. Day 2. Quarantine chic, complete with a toilet paper statement necklace!

hank the newfie hairstyles

3. Day 3. Hank took an emo turn.

hank the newfie hairstyles

4. “Day 4 (Sunday Brunch)”

hank the newfie hairstyles

5. “Day 5. (Hank. Manager of Home Office Relations)”

hank the newfie hairstyles

6. Day 6. Hannah took inspiration from “The Flintstones.”

hank the newfie hairstyles

7. “Day 7. (Pity the fool who tries to leave this house)”

hank the newfie hairstyles

8. “Day 8. (Kiss the cook.)”

hank the newfie hairstyles

9. Day 9. A little homage to “Cast Away.”

hank the newfie hairstyles

10. Day 10. “The Black Pearl”

hank the newfie hairstyles

11. “Day 11. (Self-care Sunday)”

hank the newfie hairstyles

12. “Day 12. (Moovin’ into Monday!)”

hank the newfie hairstyles

13. “Day 13. (Call me now for your free tarot card readin’!)”

hank the newfie hairstyles

14. “Day 15. (Luke, Han, and the rare black tauntaun)”

hank the newfie hairstyles

15. “Day 16. (Hank Exotic)”

hank the newfie hairstyles

16. Day 17. Meet Hank 3000.

hank the newfie hairstyles

17. “Day 19. (Not the Mama Monday)”

hank the newfie hairstyles

18. “Day 20. (2020: You never know what you’re gonna get.)”

hank the newfie hairstyles

What a star! While we can’t pick our favorite hairdo, we can say they only get better. Some fans have suggested Hannah turn Hank’s hairstyles into a book, and we couldn’t agree more! Until then, we’ll be waiting in anticipation for the new looks each day brings. You can, too, by following Hank on Instagram.

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