5 Hilarious Times Kids Did Not Consider The Consequences

kids doing questionable things

Kids are bound to run into the occasional mishap as they figure out how to navigate the world around them. As long as no one gets seriously hurt, that’s not always a bad thing! In fact, sometimes our worst decisions can turn out to be our best learning opportunities. Other times, they can end up being really, really funny!

Videos by InspireMore

When you need a healthy reminder that everyone makes mistakes, there’s no better place to look for reassurance than the internet. Here are some of the funniest videos on TikTok of lessons being learned the hard way!

1. For those who didn’t know, getting into a pool full of water will make you wet.

2. Diving in headfirst usually isn’t the best idea.

3. To be fair, this one was more likely Dad’s mistake.


Yeah, that’s gonna leave a mark 😅 (via IG / katherynblewett) #Golf #Kids #Dad #Ouch

♬ original sound – FanDuel

4. Don’t pick on your little brother… especially if he’s already sitting on you.

5. This kid is about to get in so much trouble…

It’s important to remember that most mistakes aren’t the end of the world, even if they feel like they are. We just have to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and try again. Sometimes we can even get a good laugh out of the deal!

You can find the source of this story’s featured images here and here.

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