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20 Unique Ways To Tell Your Husband You Care

One of the biggest issues facing couples all around the world is simple – when striving to nurture a relationship or heal one that is broken… where you start? A challenging problem can sometimes have a simple solution. Speaking truth and holding onto faith is the most powerful way to initiate change.

So whether your marriage has hit a rough patch or you’re running out of good things to express, here’s a guide of things you can start saying to get your relationship back on track.

1. “I love being around you”


This one is so simple – but so important. It shows that you’re not only glad he’s around, but you care enough to express it. Small words of affirmation like these go a long way in maintaining a healthy relationship.

2. I think you have so much to offer, and I can see it in the ways you give your suggestions.


Guys are complicated creatures. Some of us offer suggestions and others stick to their guns – but at the heart, we just want to be understood. Even when you disagree, it’s awesome knowing that you’ll listen. The same rule should go for us.

3. Do you feel like I’m understanding you?


Let’s be honest – most of us are not jumping at the chance to talk about hard things. Dealing with difficult subjects is well… difficult. In the midst of these necessary conversations – the key for both of you not only listening well but striving to understand each other.

4. I am such a better woman because of the way you love me.


This isn’t about changing who you are – it’s about the both of you becoming better versions of yourselves. Love doesn’t try to change the person – it refines the things you fell in love with. Those attributes can be many or they can be few – your job is to help them flourish.

So the result of your love should be a different you, and a different him too.

5. I know you and I haven’t been seeing eye-to-eye lately. But I’m committed to working on our relationship so we both feel understood and secure.


Arguments happen. Mean things are said. It’s part of doing life with another person. Even if he’s being petty, which we definitely can be, take the high road and express your desire to understand him.

6. I can’t believe how creative you are. You are so clearly gifted in that area.


Guys express their creativity in different ways, and affirmation from you is key for them to pursue their creativity well. Even if our hobbies don’t jive with your idea of a good time, it’s awesome when you show interest. We love it!

7. Our kids are so blessed to have a dad like you. I love the way you encourage them.


We have the same insecurities that you do. We fear we won’t measure up. We fear failure. We really want to be good dads… and we don’t always follow through. Give him kudos next time he spends some time with the kids – watch that smile light up the room.

8. You still take my breath away.


Remember when he was the hottest thing you’d ever seen? Or the first time you felt really, really proud of him? He wants to do that every day for you. Remind him who he is when he forgets and reaffirm him when he shines the brightest.

9. I saw this at the store, and it made me think of you.


I love it when my wife surprises me. It sounds silly to say but its true for me and most guys out there. Do something a little out of the ordinary and grab his attention. Chances are he’ll love it as much as the rest of us.

10. I’m so glad you’re home.


This isn’t some throwback to times when women were expected to wait at the door for their husbands to return home. It is about affection. Women and men both need to know that their s/o wants them around. It never hurts to say it out loud.

11. Something great to say to the kids: I love your dad so much. He is just the best.


The kids will see you fighting – but affirming your hubby to them will make all the difference in their lives and relationships as they grow older. They need to know that even though you fight, you very much love and respect each other.

12. I trust you.


It’s been said a billion times, but trust is vital to any relationship. Saying it out loud will help both of you remember the truth.

13. You continue to impress me.


Remember when he stopped a nothing to impress you? In his hurry to win your heart he may have put his best cards on the table – but when you see that familiar thing surface, let him know!

14. You handled that incredibly well.


Give your guy a pat on the back when he knocks it out of the park. Watch him soar.

15. You’re right.


It’s no secret that men and women alike have problems admitting when the other person is right – especially in conflict. If you find yourself in a moment where you can concede victory – do it. It’ll challenge him to be humble next time he’s wrong and help you both win in the long run.

16. I’m proud of you.


This is huge. Let him know that you’re proud.

17. It is so cool to watch the man you’ve become since we’ve been married.


It’s safe to say you’re husband isn’t the same person he was when you married – you’re not the same woman! Hopefully, both of you have grown up in the ways you needed to, and the result is clear in their character. Celebrate the man he’s become and receive it when he celebrates you.

18. No matter how royally you mess up, I’ll always be glad you’re mine, I’ll forgive you, and I’ll love your socks off.


Real love keeps no record of wrongs. Some marriages sink after the tiniest crack, while others stay strong through every storm. It’s vital for you both to know the reality of that love and let it guide your lives together.

19. I am more in love with you now than ever before.


Like a strong tree, love should grow a little every day. As we age it’s easier to see the forms that love takes. As you grow together, tell him the reasons you’re more in love with him. It’ll do amazing things.

20. You are my best friend.


No matter what comes your way, your husband is your person forever. Who doesn’t have tough times with their best friend?  When it comes down to it he has your back and you have his. Don’t let him, or yourself, forget the truth!

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