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15 Photos That Will Restore Your Hope In Humanity.

In a world full of tragedy and hurt, it can be hard to see a silver lining. We can be more worried about personal benefit than collective gain.

The result? We have a tough time responding in love when things don’t go our way.

Thankfully, each of us can do something unique to make this world a better place, and we have some great heroes as examples.

These 15 people are just like you. But when the time came, they chose to help when no-one else would and set an incredible example for us to build upon.

When you feel the internal pull to help someone, do it. When you see an animal in distress, call a shelter.

All of these people were in the right place at the right time…. and their acts of kindness made the world a better place. Check them out and be inspired to make a difference!

1. Marathon runner opens a bottle of water for her disabled competitor.

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